Monday, July 20, 2020

Are women forbidden to go to the crematorium (क्या महिलाओं को श्मशान जाने की मनाही है)??? Can the woman perform the last rites (क्या महिला अंतिम संस्कार कर सकती है)???

This is the question in everyone’s mind. We all know women are not allowed to perform last rites (Antim Sanskar) of her own people. This is the only right for a son (Putra)? Let’s understand this today the facts and truths behind it.

Women are to be worshiped, women are always the first reason for creation, women are deity (devi), women are mother (mata), as per Vedas. But in today’s world they are refrained from last rites of her loved ones and not even allowed to go the crematorium (samsan). 

We can only see the difference in our defense system, whenever a soldier dies and if he has only daughter and wife, his wife or daughter comes forward for his funeral.

Our so called saints (pandit), spreading these rumors that if woman perform final rites, the dead person won’t get heaven (swarga) or freedom (mukti). What about saints?? Saints are the great devotees of Lord, they don’t marry, no family, worship Lord throughout their lives, so they won’t get heaven (swarga) or freedom (mukti)? What about orphans? So this is completely illogical we can understand.

There is NO scripture where it is written clearly that only a son (putra) can perform antim sanskar (final rites). Whereas, In Vedas it is written for queen that, in absence of the king, a queen can perform everything in place of the king, can take care of the kingdom and her subject or army. Even she can fight in war if king is dead or absent.

If we look into history we have proof for that. All we know about Jhansi Rani Laxmibhai, she is a great example. 

What we can make out from this, the same applies to a son, in absence of a son a daughter can perform his activity and she can do everything that a son can.

We can’t find each and everything in Vedas or in other scriptures, thus Lord has given us Budhi (intelligence). If everything would have been written then Vedas might have acquired the full land space available on earth.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

How Lord Jagannath destroyed Sudarshan Chakra's pride???

Lord Jagannath is famous for destroying the pride of his devotees. Jagannath did not like the pride of Sudarsana Chakra thinking he was most powerful.

Sudarshan Chakra started thinking that the Lord was protected by him & dependent upon him. Lord Jagannath takes the help of Sudarsan Cakra to accomplish any difficult job. Thus the Lord decided to correct Sudarsan’s pride only to protect His dear devotee.
The Lord sent Sudarsana Chakra to call Hanuman. At that time Hanuman was engaged in tapasya at abhayaranya(deep forest). 

Immediately the Sudarsan Chakra went to inform Hanuman that Lord Jagannath wanted to see him and Hanuman started his journey to meet the his Lord. After informing Hanuman the Sudarsna Chakra immediately returned to the temple, reaching there before Hanuman. As Hanuman neared the temple gates, the Sudarshan Chakra started to move swiftly around the mandir parameters blocking the path of Hanuman and preventing him from reach the Ratna Simhasana.

Hanuman asked himself how he can meet his Lord. He took shelter of Lord Jagannath simply by remembering Him. Immediately by the mercy of the Lord, Hanuman was empowered and developed six extra arms from his shoulders. Thus he became ashta bhuja (eighth-armed) Hanuman.

Four hands had four Sudarsana Chakras, two hands for offering pranams, two hands for chanting the holy name of the Lord.

Hanuman then proceeded towards the ratna simhasana to meet with Lord Jaganntah. After some time Sudarsna Chakra also reached there in great distress. Lord Jagannath wanted to punish the Sudarshan Chakra for his offence to hanuman and also wanted to destroy his great false pride. Sudarshana Chakra was ashamed to see Hanuman more powerful than him and he had not been able to prevent Hanuman from entering the temple.

Thus the Lord cursed the Sudarshana Chakra that in the age of Kali he will not have his disc form rather he would take the form of a pillar (stambha) which will always be at the left side of Lord Jagannath.


 In Vishnu Murthy form Sudarshan Chakra is on the right hand of the Lord and The Sudarshan got a curse to be in the left hand side that too as a (stamba) pillar.


Thursday, June 4, 2020

First ever test tube baby in History, Mahabharata???

The Mahabharata is full of interesting stories. Dhritarashtra being elder son always wanted to be the king of Hastinapur (Uttarpradesh now) but Pandu being younger son was coroneted as king due to Dhritarashtra’s blindness. Dhritarashtra was unhappy with it and desired his son to be the next king. He married early than Pandu with Gandhari, a princess from Gandhar and she got pregnant early too. They were happy as their son supposed to be the king which Dhritarashtra could not.
Time past by, Gandhari was pregnant for two years but did not deliver anything. On the other hand, Pandu had his first son Yudhirstir from his wife Kunti. Since Yudhistir was born first so he supposed to be next king as per the system followed those days. Dhritarashtra was unhappy as Gnadhari supposed to deliver first and their unborn son missed the opportunity to become a king like the way Dhritarashtra did. 
Gandhari was so angry with her womb that she started punching her belly. She forcefully delivered a piece of dark life-less flesh. Once Rishi Vyasa was pleased with the hospitality of Gandhari and given her the boon of hundred sons. 
But she delivered just a flesh. Vyasa heard this and arrived to the palace and consoled her.
Vyasa took that flesh and cut into hundred pieces, also he took hundred vessels. He put each flesh in each vessel and poured some kind of oil or ghee and some other substances. Then he uttered some divine Mantras and kept those closed. After keeping hundred pieces of fleshes, he found one piece of flesh was left. He took that flesh too and did the same.
After a period of time something unusual happened. Gandhari found from the first vessel one baby was crying, thus she got her first son Duryadhana. He was the eldest and strongest among all. Similarly one by one she had hundred sons. The last vessel which was left, a baby girl was born from it, named Dushala. Thus Gandhari became the mother of hundred sons and one daughter.
This is considered as the first ever test tube baby in ancient history of India. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The Curse behind Krishna's death and destruction of Yadavas

After the Great War in Kurukshetra Pandavas won and Yudhisthir was coroneted as king in the presence of Lord Krishna. Krishna before leaving Hasthinapur met Gandhari to take permission of leaving. Gandhari was in great sadness as she lost hundred sons including Duryodhaan (the eldest and closet one) in that battle. She got angry seeing Krishna and stated why He didn’t stop the war as He is the God and only He had the power to stop it. She also mentioned that Krishna wanted this ending intentionally. He made Pandavas win and Kauravas defeat. She cried at her loss and cursed Krishna that He’ll die a normal death (not glorious) and His clan will be destroyed by killing each other the way Kauravas destroyed.
 Gandhari was the great devotee of Lord Shiva and was loyal to her husband. Krishna smiled and replied, “Mother, it doesn’t matter how I leave the world” and “No one can kill Yadava except they kill each othert.” And Krishna left.

Yadavas became very powerful under the protection of Lord Krishna and also they had the boon of being defeated by anyone. So the Yadavas became very luxurious, forgot morals and good conduct. They started celebrating and drinking. 
Once a group of sages visited their palace, Yadava boys decided to prank them. Samba dressed as a pregnant woman and went in front of those sages to ask whether he would deliver a boy or a girl. The sages became furious to see this insult and cursed him that he would deliver an iron mace and that would be the reason for their destruction.
Soon after Samba delivered an iron mace. They were so afraid that they smashed that iron mace except a small piece that they couldn’t smash and threw it near sea side. Later on, those smashes grew into plants near sea but they were not aware of it. Once a hunter, named Jara found that small piece of iron thrown by them, thought of making arrow head, so he took that piece.
Yadava used to make big false stories of past war of Kurukshetra while parting together. Once they started fighting each other on the argument, who performed well in that war. The fight became so furious that one Yadava took a sword and killed another Yadava.
 Thus their destruction started. Krishna and Balaram already hid all the weapons but they found those same plants grew in the sea side and they used those to kill each other.
Balaram left seeing this, started meditating under a tree and left his body in the form of big serpent. Krishna seeing this left too and went to a jungle. The hunter Jara misunderstood Lord’s feet as dear and he shot. It was the same arrow he made from that piece of iron. The hunter came close and found it was Lord Krishna, he asked forgiveness.
Krishna smiled and said He was waiting for him only. Lord narrated to Jara as he was confused, he was Baali in his previous life and Lord Ram killed Baali from behind in Treta Yug. So in this life Lord Krishna did penance being killed by Baali (the Hunter).
Thus, Lord Krishna left this Bhulok (earth) and returned to His Vaikuntha. Lord also kept Gandhari’s curse fulfilled.

Friday, May 29, 2020

How Prahlada, being born in demon family became Lord Vishnu’s great devotee???

Prahlada was born Hiranyakashap and Kayadu. Hiranyakashap and his younger brother Hiranyaksha were basically Lord Vishnu’s gatekeepers Jaya and Vijaya, born on earth as the result of a curse from the Four Kumaras in Satya Yuga, according to Bhagavate Purana.

Hiranyaksha was slain by Varaha avatar of Lord Vishnu. Thus Hiranyakashap was furious of Lord Vishnu and started hating Him. He decided to gain magical powers through penance to defeat Lord Vishnu.

Hiranyakashap did penance of Lord Brahma and got a boon of not to be killed of anything born from living womb, neither be killed by a man or an animal, neither during the day or night time, neither indoors nor outdoors, neither on land, not in the air nor in water and of no man made weapon. In Puranas, many variations of the boon are given.

Hiranyakashap also performed another penance to please Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva granted Hiranyakashap the boon that he would have unrivalled combat prowess, exceeding skill in the use of bow and other weapons as well as the powers of all Gods, including Indra, Yama, Kubera,Surya, Agini and Varuna.

Hiranyakashap with these two boons become so mighty that he was able to shake Himalayas down to their roots. Even once Ravan tried to lift Hiranyakashap’s earrings but he failed just because those were too heavy.

Prahlad while being in his mother’s womb, heard Sage Narada’s chants and got affected by his transcendental instructions. Later, growing as a child, Prahlad begins to show the sumptons of Narada’s prenatal training and gradually becomes a great devotee of Lord Vishnu. It’s also being said that while being with his wife Kayadhu, Hiranyakashap was thinking of Lord Vishnu (as he hated Lord so much that all the time he used to think of revenge), as a result or as a Maya of Lord Vishnu the baby Prahlad becomes His great devotee.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Why Lord Krishna wears peacock feather on His head???

The peacock feather signifies the all-attractiveness of the extravagant beauty of Lord Krishna. Although he had many ornaments of gold and gemstones, He wore peacock feather on His head. Peacock feather naturally colored and ornaments of tender petals.

Once Lord Krishna blew His flute to call His cows back, a melodious raga with a slow rhythm flows in the wind. Everything around pleased by His flute. The whole surrounding was so charmed that even the peacocks nearby started dancing in front of Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna was pleased and smiled to see the peacocks dancing around and flapping their wings.

Lord Krishna felt so joyful that He danced with those peacocks. All the animals stood stunned seeing Lord dancing. It was so beautiful that peacocks requested Lord Krishna to wear a feather shed by them as decoration on His head. Lord accepted their offering and wore a feather as a symbol of passionate devotion and how they gaze at Him without blinking.

The lotus-faced Lord is so beautiful with His so-sweet smile; His hairstyle with its intoxicated peacock feather is so captivating. The feathers of love-intoxicated peacocks are His ornament.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Why and How Karna attained Moksha???

It’s was the last day of Karna’s life. In Mahabharata, it was the moment when Karna was trying to take out the wheel of his chariot which was immersed in earth; Arjuna threw his arrow (indrastra) to kill Karna who was fighting on the opposite side of Pandavas. Karna was the chief of Kauravas army when he got killed by the instruction of Lord Krishna.


Lord Krishna disguised himself as Brahman and went to Karna who was lying on ground after being shot by Arjuna. Lord Krishna tested his “danveerta” by asking him something. Karna replied he was waiting for death and he had nothing to give him as he got defeated. Krishna (disguised as Brahman) requested as he heard of Karna as a great giver and generous. Karna found nothing to offer that brahman. Karna remembered he got two golden teeth. He took a stone and broke his teeth and offered those to Krishna.

Krishna rejected those golden teeth as it was stained with his blood. Karna somehow took his arrow and threw it ground and he created a fountain, washed and offered those to Krishna. Thus being hurt and waiting for death again Karna proved he was the great “danveer”.

Krishna took those teeth and came to His own form. Krishna got so pleased and asked Karna to ask any boons. Karna refused as he never take anything after giving. But as Krishna insisted Karna asked three boons from Lord Krishna.

First, Suta jaati (cast) should be honoured in society as Karna being known as Suta faced much insulation throughout his life. Second, he requested Krishna to take birth in his rajya (area) in His next incarnation. And third he requested Lord to burn his body in sinless place.

Lord Krishna found there was no place left where no sin had happened. Lord Krishna granted his third boon too. Krishna performed his antim sanskaar (last rite) in His own hand finding no sinless place in earth. The only place was Lord Krishna’s hand, where no sin was committed.

Since it was Lord’s own hand, Karna attained Moksha and went to Vaikunth, where Lord Krishna resides.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Why Prasad is more tasteful than normal food?

Prasad is a Sanskrit word, meaning a devotional offering made to God. Prasad which is offered to God first, share to devotees later. Prasad is completely Sattvik (mode of goodness) food, made after sacrificing to Lord.

In short, three types of food as per Bhagavate Gita, named Sattvik (mode of goodness), Rajsic (mode of passion) and Tamsic (mode of ignorance). Our nature of mind depends on the nature of food we consume.

Prasad made of Sattvik food, means for offering Lord with devotional heart, the intention is sacrifice and to feed God, the creator of us. We keep thinking of God while making His food. This Sattik food is made before 4 hours before consuming by devotees. Once it is made for serving, we take a small portion of each food from each cooked items and we offer this to God before our hunger, sacrificing our desire of food.

After certain of time we take out those small portions blessed by God and mix each variety with the large quantity made for thousands of devotees whoever visited that particular temple. Thus the food becomes Prasad. 

Food remains food until and unless we offer it to Lord. After serving to God that food becomes Prasad, and that Prasad is mixed with large quantity to make large quantity of Prasad.

This Prasad becomes Lord’s food, considered He eats and touches that. Sacrifice, devotional thinking, offering to God, and blessed as Prasad, all together Prasad become more tasteful than normal food.

We must offer our food (Sattvik) first to God and then consume Prasad.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

When and how Kali Yuga started???

As per our Puranas there are four Yugas (ages) namely, Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga and Kali Yuga. It was started in 3102 BC and duration is 432,000 years (1200 divine years), so roughly around 5121 years ago and remaining 426,879 years as 2020 AD.

More precisely according to Surya Siddhanta, Kali Yuga began at midnight (00:00) on 18th February 3102. This was also the time when Lord Krishna left earth and returned to Baikunth. Kali Yuga entered after taking permission from Krishna.

Once king Parikshit, grandson of Pandavas, saw Kaliyuga wandering in his kingdom. He was so powerful to kill him but Kali took refuge in him and requested king not kill him as he came compelled by the cycle of time. Also he mentioned that now it’s his age and era. Parikshit said Kaliyuga couldn’t enter as long as he lived. Kali informed since it was his age and cycle of time never do mistake, perhaps Parikshit might not love long.

King allowed Kali to live in four places, where falsehood exists, where alcohol is made, where there was no respect for women and where cruelty reigned. Kali requested more places as these four places were too small to live in. Parikshit granted one more place that was in gold as people became greedy to see gold.

So Kaliyuga already started showing its effects. Once while wandering into jungle king Parikshit felt tired and thirsty. He entered an ashram nearby thinking he might get some water and rest. Parikshit saw rishi shamik was deep into meditation. 

He took around and found no one to offer him a glass of water. So he requested the rishi for water. The rishi was so into deep meditation that even after requesting many times by Parikshit he couldn’t hear. Kaliyuga was hidden already into gold crown which king wore in his head.

Parkishit got angry and felt insulted being he was the great king rishi didn’t pay attention. Parishit thought teaching a lesson for his act. Parikshit found a dead snake nearby, placed rounded it into the neck of rishi and left the place. It happened due the influence of Kaliyuga. Rishi Shamik was completely unaware of everything.

The son of shmaik rishi came and saw his father’s neck rounded by a dead snake. He saw through his powerful vision and became so angry that he cursed the king that he would die in 7 days by the bite of snake Takshak. Parikshit came to know this and rushed to the ashram and requested rishi for forgiveness.

Parishit gave up the throne up to his son Janmajeya and went to great sage Suka. There he learned the Bhagavate Purana during those 7 days. Thus he realized the ultimate truth of life and attained moksha.

Kaliyuga reigned fully throughout the world then.

Monday, May 18, 2020

why we apply Tilak???

Tilak is a traditional mark to identify the devotees of Lord Krishna. Tilak is clay found on the bank of sacred river. It’s sacred because it is the dust of feet of devotees (Gopi Chandan) and the lotus feet Supreme Lord. 

A devotee decorates his body with Tilak as the body is the temple of individual soul (Atma) and Lord Krishna (Parmatma). Applying Tilak, purifies body and reminds us that we are belong to Lord Krishna, When we see a devotee with Tilak, we are reminded of Lord and relieve our sinful reactions.

In India there are many types of Tilak devotees wear in their forehead. These varieties of Tilak indicate their affiliation with a particular group and their devotion of a particular form of God. Among the Vaishnabas devotees are identified by their styles of Tilak, its shape, colour and the material used to make it.

Applying Tilak shows that we are the disciple of Chaitanya Maha Prabhu. 

Tilak’s upper part is like

‘U” shaped indicates the Lord Krishna’s lotus footprint, and the lower part is like a leaf shape represents the Tulasi leaf, Krishna’s favourite plant and a great devotee.

Tilak can be applied anytime you want but it is best to apply after bath, during worshiping the Lord Krishna.

                                                                           ...Hare Krishna...