Monday, May 18, 2020

why we apply Tilak???

Tilak is a traditional mark to identify the devotees of Lord Krishna. Tilak is clay found on the bank of sacred river. It’s sacred because it is the dust of feet of devotees (Gopi Chandan) and the lotus feet Supreme Lord. 

A devotee decorates his body with Tilak as the body is the temple of individual soul (Atma) and Lord Krishna (Parmatma). Applying Tilak, purifies body and reminds us that we are belong to Lord Krishna, When we see a devotee with Tilak, we are reminded of Lord and relieve our sinful reactions.

In India there are many types of Tilak devotees wear in their forehead. These varieties of Tilak indicate their affiliation with a particular group and their devotion of a particular form of God. Among the Vaishnabas devotees are identified by their styles of Tilak, its shape, colour and the material used to make it.

Applying Tilak shows that we are the disciple of Chaitanya Maha Prabhu. 

Tilak’s upper part is like

‘U” shaped indicates the Lord Krishna’s lotus footprint, and the lower part is like a leaf shape represents the Tulasi leaf, Krishna’s favourite plant and a great devotee.

Tilak can be applied anytime you want but it is best to apply after bath, during worshiping the Lord Krishna.

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