Wednesday, May 20, 2020

When and how Kali Yuga started???

As per our Puranas there are four Yugas (ages) namely, Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga and Kali Yuga. It was started in 3102 BC and duration is 432,000 years (1200 divine years), so roughly around 5121 years ago and remaining 426,879 years as 2020 AD.

More precisely according to Surya Siddhanta, Kali Yuga began at midnight (00:00) on 18th February 3102. This was also the time when Lord Krishna left earth and returned to Baikunth. Kali Yuga entered after taking permission from Krishna.

Once king Parikshit, grandson of Pandavas, saw Kaliyuga wandering in his kingdom. He was so powerful to kill him but Kali took refuge in him and requested king not kill him as he came compelled by the cycle of time. Also he mentioned that now it’s his age and era. Parikshit said Kaliyuga couldn’t enter as long as he lived. Kali informed since it was his age and cycle of time never do mistake, perhaps Parikshit might not love long.

King allowed Kali to live in four places, where falsehood exists, where alcohol is made, where there was no respect for women and where cruelty reigned. Kali requested more places as these four places were too small to live in. Parikshit granted one more place that was in gold as people became greedy to see gold.

So Kaliyuga already started showing its effects. Once while wandering into jungle king Parikshit felt tired and thirsty. He entered an ashram nearby thinking he might get some water and rest. Parikshit saw rishi shamik was deep into meditation. 

He took around and found no one to offer him a glass of water. So he requested the rishi for water. The rishi was so into deep meditation that even after requesting many times by Parikshit he couldn’t hear. Kaliyuga was hidden already into gold crown which king wore in his head.

Parkishit got angry and felt insulted being he was the great king rishi didn’t pay attention. Parishit thought teaching a lesson for his act. Parikshit found a dead snake nearby, placed rounded it into the neck of rishi and left the place. It happened due the influence of Kaliyuga. Rishi Shamik was completely unaware of everything.

The son of shmaik rishi came and saw his father’s neck rounded by a dead snake. He saw through his powerful vision and became so angry that he cursed the king that he would die in 7 days by the bite of snake Takshak. Parikshit came to know this and rushed to the ashram and requested rishi for forgiveness.

Parishit gave up the throne up to his son Janmajeya and went to great sage Suka. There he learned the Bhagavate Purana during those 7 days. Thus he realized the ultimate truth of life and attained moksha.

Kaliyuga reigned fully throughout the world then.

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