Sunday, May 24, 2020

Why Lord Krishna wears peacock feather on His head???

The peacock feather signifies the all-attractiveness of the extravagant beauty of Lord Krishna. Although he had many ornaments of gold and gemstones, He wore peacock feather on His head. Peacock feather naturally colored and ornaments of tender petals.

Once Lord Krishna blew His flute to call His cows back, a melodious raga with a slow rhythm flows in the wind. Everything around pleased by His flute. The whole surrounding was so charmed that even the peacocks nearby started dancing in front of Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna was pleased and smiled to see the peacocks dancing around and flapping their wings.

Lord Krishna felt so joyful that He danced with those peacocks. All the animals stood stunned seeing Lord dancing. It was so beautiful that peacocks requested Lord Krishna to wear a feather shed by them as decoration on His head. Lord accepted their offering and wore a feather as a symbol of passionate devotion and how they gaze at Him without blinking.

The lotus-faced Lord is so beautiful with His so-sweet smile; His hairstyle with its intoxicated peacock feather is so captivating. The feathers of love-intoxicated peacocks are His ornament.

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