Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Why Karna is great ‘Danveer’ than Arjuna???

Arjun was always envy upon Karna as Lord Krishna praised Karna’s generosity. Once while spending time with Krishna, Arjuna asked “why you do always praise Karna in terms of donation whereas I donated a lot too”?

Krishna understood his envy and smiled, Lord said he could understand if he did a task for him. Arjuna agreed.

Krishna pointed a huge mountain and turned it into the huge heap of gold coins. Then Krishna told Arjuna to distribute those gold coins among villagers who were suffering a lot. Arjuna agreed and appeared in front of villagers and declared proudly that their sufferings came to end as Arjuna arrived to help them.

Arjuna decided some equal portion to be donated each by his own hand. But since that was a huge heap of coins, Arjuna felt tired and refused any help in distribution from his army as he used to think generous work to be done by him only.

Krishna noticed everything silently. He disguised Arjuna as Bramhan and took him to Karna’s palace.

Krishna repeated the same story and asked Karna to distribute. Karna felt happy of being selected by Krishna to do such noble task. Immediately he ordered his men to call all villagers to the mountain. Karna appeared there and declared politely that these gold coins given by Krishna and to collect as per their needs. Also he ordered his men to help villagers to carry their coins. He also left the place not waited to be praised by villagers.

When disguised Arjuna asked Karna why he distributed his all coins, Karna replied these were not his coins, these offered by Lord Krishna and if so then also he would distribute all as villagers need most than him.

Thus Karna proved his generosity again.

There was another great incident. Here it is,

Once on a rainy day someone visited Arjuna while sitting with Lord Krishna asked for dry woods for his need. Arjuna saw it was raining so dry woods couldn’t be arranged to give that person. He apologized that person for not capable of giving dry wood.

Krishna saw this and told that person to visit Karna, also commented that Karna might be able to give him dry woods. Arjuna noticed and asked Lord Krishna how he could give when Arjuna could not.

They both disguised themselves and went to Karna’s palace with that person to see what Karna would do.

That person requested Karna the same. Karna saw outside it was raining so he broke his palace’s wood logs and offered it to that person.

Krishna smiled on that kind act and Arjuna felt ashamed and understood why Karna is greater “Danveer” than anyone.

...Hare Krishna...

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