Thursday, June 4, 2020

First ever test tube baby in History, Mahabharata???

The Mahabharata is full of interesting stories. Dhritarashtra being elder son always wanted to be the king of Hastinapur (Uttarpradesh now) but Pandu being younger son was coroneted as king due to Dhritarashtra’s blindness. Dhritarashtra was unhappy with it and desired his son to be the next king. He married early than Pandu with Gandhari, a princess from Gandhar and she got pregnant early too. They were happy as their son supposed to be the king which Dhritarashtra could not.
Time past by, Gandhari was pregnant for two years but did not deliver anything. On the other hand, Pandu had his first son Yudhirstir from his wife Kunti. Since Yudhistir was born first so he supposed to be next king as per the system followed those days. Dhritarashtra was unhappy as Gnadhari supposed to deliver first and their unborn son missed the opportunity to become a king like the way Dhritarashtra did. 
Gandhari was so angry with her womb that she started punching her belly. She forcefully delivered a piece of dark life-less flesh. Once Rishi Vyasa was pleased with the hospitality of Gandhari and given her the boon of hundred sons. 
But she delivered just a flesh. Vyasa heard this and arrived to the palace and consoled her.
Vyasa took that flesh and cut into hundred pieces, also he took hundred vessels. He put each flesh in each vessel and poured some kind of oil or ghee and some other substances. Then he uttered some divine Mantras and kept those closed. After keeping hundred pieces of fleshes, he found one piece of flesh was left. He took that flesh too and did the same.
After a period of time something unusual happened. Gandhari found from the first vessel one baby was crying, thus she got her first son Duryadhana. He was the eldest and strongest among all. Similarly one by one she had hundred sons. The last vessel which was left, a baby girl was born from it, named Dushala. Thus Gandhari became the mother of hundred sons and one daughter.
This is considered as the first ever test tube baby in ancient history of India. 

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