Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The Curse behind Krishna's death and destruction of Yadavas

After the Great War in Kurukshetra Pandavas won and Yudhisthir was coroneted as king in the presence of Lord Krishna. Krishna before leaving Hasthinapur met Gandhari to take permission of leaving. Gandhari was in great sadness as she lost hundred sons including Duryodhaan (the eldest and closet one) in that battle. She got angry seeing Krishna and stated why He didn’t stop the war as He is the God and only He had the power to stop it. She also mentioned that Krishna wanted this ending intentionally. He made Pandavas win and Kauravas defeat. She cried at her loss and cursed Krishna that He’ll die a normal death (not glorious) and His clan will be destroyed by killing each other the way Kauravas destroyed.
 Gandhari was the great devotee of Lord Shiva and was loyal to her husband. Krishna smiled and replied, “Mother, it doesn’t matter how I leave the world” and “No one can kill Yadava except they kill each othert.” And Krishna left.

Yadavas became very powerful under the protection of Lord Krishna and also they had the boon of being defeated by anyone. So the Yadavas became very luxurious, forgot morals and good conduct. They started celebrating and drinking. 
Once a group of sages visited their palace, Yadava boys decided to prank them. Samba dressed as a pregnant woman and went in front of those sages to ask whether he would deliver a boy or a girl. The sages became furious to see this insult and cursed him that he would deliver an iron mace and that would be the reason for their destruction.
Soon after Samba delivered an iron mace. They were so afraid that they smashed that iron mace except a small piece that they couldn’t smash and threw it near sea side. Later on, those smashes grew into plants near sea but they were not aware of it. Once a hunter, named Jara found that small piece of iron thrown by them, thought of making arrow head, so he took that piece.
Yadava used to make big false stories of past war of Kurukshetra while parting together. Once they started fighting each other on the argument, who performed well in that war. The fight became so furious that one Yadava took a sword and killed another Yadava.
 Thus their destruction started. Krishna and Balaram already hid all the weapons but they found those same plants grew in the sea side and they used those to kill each other.
Balaram left seeing this, started meditating under a tree and left his body in the form of big serpent. Krishna seeing this left too and went to a jungle. The hunter Jara misunderstood Lord’s feet as dear and he shot. It was the same arrow he made from that piece of iron. The hunter came close and found it was Lord Krishna, he asked forgiveness.
Krishna smiled and said He was waiting for him only. Lord narrated to Jara as he was confused, he was Baali in his previous life and Lord Ram killed Baali from behind in Treta Yug. So in this life Lord Krishna did penance being killed by Baali (the Hunter).
Thus, Lord Krishna left this Bhulok (earth) and returned to His Vaikuntha. Lord also kept Gandhari’s curse fulfilled.

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