Monday, July 20, 2020

Are women forbidden to go to the crematorium (क्या महिलाओं को श्मशान जाने की मनाही है)??? Can the woman perform the last rites (क्या महिला अंतिम संस्कार कर सकती है)???

This is the question in everyone’s mind. We all know women are not allowed to perform last rites (Antim Sanskar) of her own people. This is the only right for a son (Putra)? Let’s understand this today the facts and truths behind it.

Women are to be worshiped, women are always the first reason for creation, women are deity (devi), women are mother (mata), as per Vedas. But in today’s world they are refrained from last rites of her loved ones and not even allowed to go the crematorium (samsan). 

We can only see the difference in our defense system, whenever a soldier dies and if he has only daughter and wife, his wife or daughter comes forward for his funeral.

Our so called saints (pandit), spreading these rumors that if woman perform final rites, the dead person won’t get heaven (swarga) or freedom (mukti). What about saints?? Saints are the great devotees of Lord, they don’t marry, no family, worship Lord throughout their lives, so they won’t get heaven (swarga) or freedom (mukti)? What about orphans? So this is completely illogical we can understand.

There is NO scripture where it is written clearly that only a son (putra) can perform antim sanskar (final rites). Whereas, In Vedas it is written for queen that, in absence of the king, a queen can perform everything in place of the king, can take care of the kingdom and her subject or army. Even she can fight in war if king is dead or absent.

If we look into history we have proof for that. All we know about Jhansi Rani Laxmibhai, she is a great example. 

What we can make out from this, the same applies to a son, in absence of a son a daughter can perform his activity and she can do everything that a son can.

We can’t find each and everything in Vedas or in other scriptures, thus Lord has given us Budhi (intelligence). If everything would have been written then Vedas might have acquired the full land space available on earth.

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